Academic Workshops
There will be a total of 4 main workshops organized during the whole duration of the project. In December 2022, Sabancı University hosted the first workshop under the title of “Workshop on Applied Cryptography – Bringing Cryptography into Life” with the attendance of two main beneficiaries (KUL & RUB).
There will be another 3 workshops distributed over the whole duration of the project. Their timings alongside their titles and programs will be shared publicly through the official enCRYPTON’s website.
8th Standards Meeting
Date: Sunday March 23-24, 2025Location: Istanbul, Turkey This meeting is hosted by Prof. Erkay Savaş of […]
Workshop on Applied Cryptography: Understanding Side-Channel Attacks on Cryptography
Workshop on Applied Cryptography: Understanding Side-Channel Attacks on Cryptography will feature Prof. Elisabeth Oswald (University […]
The Second Workshop of the enCRYPTON Project: Hardware Acceleration of Homomorphic Encryption
Prof. Dr. Ingrid Verbauwhede: “Hardware acceleration for COED” Prof. Dr. Erkay Savaş: “Accelerating Homomorphic Encryption […]
The first workshop of the enCRYPTON project
Two beneficiaries of the project visited Sabancı university to deliver a workshop under the title of “Workshop on Applied Cryptography – Bringing Cryptography into Life”.