A new consultancy agreement between Sabancı University and Lostar Information Security Inc. was signed on June 2024.

Sabancı University signed a new consultancy agreement with Lostar Information Security Inc. on June 2024. Consultancy services will be provided by Prof. Erkay Savaş from Sabancı University Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, for a period of six months. Within the scope of the consultancy project, support will be provided for the development of an application related to homomorphic encryption which aims to ensure the encrypted processing of sensitive health data as part of the ongoing Bio-Curity project. The Bio-Curity project focuses on developing an AI-driven service to measure digital biomarkers in a personalized and non-invasive manner, providing continuous and real-time data collection within home environments. This project promises to revolutionize health and healthcare delivery by integrating digital technologies to collect clinical data during daily activities. Bio-Curity emphasizes data security and privacy by design, while achieving traditional clinical goals like safety, prediction, and diagnosis.

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