
The main objective of enCRYPTON is to increase the innovation capacity of Sabancı University (SU) and enhance the consortium’s scientific quality and research excellence within privacy enhancing technologies. The objectives will be achieved by building scientific capacity, management capacity and technical capacity at SU. To enhance scientific competences, staff exchanges, visits of international experts, workshops and summer schools are organised for researchers and early-stage researchers. To enhance management and administration at SU, idea generation workshops, impact creation courses, proposal preparation workshops, project management workshops, staff exchanges and participation in tradeshows and business fairs are organised mainly for the administration unit.

Moreover, SU will develop a prototype server in an exploratory research project that will provide solutions for data privacy problems. SU has planned dedicated activities such as joint publications in journals and participation in conferences/workshops for disseminating results, regular updates on a project website and social media for communicating outcomes and using results from the exploratory project as a basis to develop new projects and networking with data-based industries for exploiting results.

enCRYPTON’s activities enhance networking between SU and EU partners, through knowledge transfer and exchange of best practice. enCRYPTON has a scientific strategy for stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity at SU and focuses on strengthening the research management and administration skills of SÜ.