Twinning towards excellence for Privacy Enhancing Technologies leveraging Homomorphic Encryption

The main objective of enCRYPTON is to increase the innovation capacity of Sabancı University (SU) and enhance the consortium’s scientific quality and research excellence within privacy enhancing technologies. The objectives will be achieved by building scientific capacity, management capacity and technical capacity at SU. To enhance scientific competences, staff exchanges, visits of international experts, workshops and summer schools are organised for researchers and early-stage researchers.


The primary goal of the enCRYPTON project is to improve the consortium’s scientific quality and research excellence in privacy-enhancing technologies, as well as to expand Sabancı University’s (SU) potential for innovation.

SU’s scientific, management, and technological capacities will help realize the goals. To improve scientists’ skills, staff exchanges, international expert visits, workshops, and summer schools are held.
